# -*-muttrc-*- ------------ =+- MUTT config -+= -------------------------- # $RCSfile: mutt.color.index,v $ # $Source: /home/cvs/yoh/.mutt/mutt.color.index,v $ # Commited: $Date: 2004/05/06 21:24:06 $ # Revision: $Revision: 1.4 $ # # Yaroslav Halchenko CS@UNM, CS@NJIT # web: http://www.onerussian.com & PSYCH@RUTGERS # e-mail: yoh@onerussian.com ICQ#: 60653192 # # You're welcome to use provided config and send your notes regarding it, # but there is no warranty that you don't damage any of your valuable # information or grey matter by using it for your own needs #-----------------\____________________________________/------------------ ## -*-mode: muttrc; fill-column: 75; comment-column: 50; -*- ## Based on http://www.guckes.net/setup/mutt.color.index ## ======================================================================== ## Remember: Order counts! The last matching rule "wins". ## ======================================================================== ## ================================================== ## COLOR for both the Folder INDEX *and* the PAGER ## ================================================== # error messages color error brightred blue # "message" - informational messages # such as the incremental count at startup. # It is nice to see on startup that # color actually works. :-) color message white black ## ================================================== ## Special COLORs for the Folder INDEX ## ================================================== # The "indicator" for the "current message" - # whether it is an arrow or an "inverse line": color indicator white red # "status" lines in the folder index. # used for the mini-help line. color status white blue # The "tree" display of threads within the folder index. color tree red black ## ================================================== ## COLOR for some special messages. ## ================================================== # 021026 # bounced messages - as indicated by "Resent" headers. # color index brightyellow blue "~h resent- ! ~h resent-by.*forw" # 000828 # Deleted Mails - use dark color # as these are already "dealt with". color index blue black "~D" # 000823 # Mails with no obvious addresses # (empty To: and Cc: lines) # color index blue black "! ~C ." # mail from myself *and* to myself (TODO items): color index black brightyellow '~f yoh ~p' # the pattern "~p" means "from myself" - but alas # there is no pattern for "*from* myself" :-( # mail to myself (personal mail): # color index brightgreen black '~p' # Commented out as most mail is for me - except SPAM. # mail NOT to myself (unpersonal mail): # color index green black '! ~p' # "DONE mails" ie those I have already replied to. color index cyan black '~Q' # MailList - these messages have been sent to # a known mailing list. What do these do in my mailbox?? # folder-hook \\! 'color index white blue ~l' # only show this for the mailbox - # not in other inboxes, of course. color index green black '~f .edu' ## ================================================== ## Mails FROM special addresses ## ================================================== # mail from important people (like myself ;-): color index brightcyan black '~f (jose\|barak\|bap\|wang\|caty\|cstras)\@' # # The author of Vim - Bram Moolenaar: color index brightred black "~f moolenaar" ## ================================================== ## Mails TO special addresses ## ================================================== # Public Announcements on local domain # "To: studi-replies" etc color index magenta black '~C @rutgers' # CCs from posts on Usenet: color index yellow black '~C cschat' # SLRN Maintenance # color index brightblue white '~C guckes@slrn.org' # color index white brightblue '~C guckes@slrn.org' # VIM Maintenance # color index brightgreen white '~C guckes@vim.org' folder-hook \! 'color index green black "~C guckes@vim.org"' # local mail aliases: # color index yellow black '~t ^(all\|hackers\|key\|studi)' # [010806] replies without "re:" in the Subject line: # color index white green "(~h 'in-reply-to .' | ~x . ) ! ~s re:" # 2002-12-01 # CCs from Usenet color index brightmagenta default '~C guckes-usenet ~h Newsgroups:' color index brightmagenta default '~C guckes-usenet ~h Posted-To:' ## ================================================== ## SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM ## ================================================== # 021217: # non-multipart mails which are tex/html almost always are spam: # color index brightmagenta white "~h 'Content-Type: text/html'" # Addresses lines (To:, Cc:, Bcc:, Delivered-To:) # # Definite SPAM: # I *never* use my "inf" address to send any mail - for *years* now! color index magenta black '~s "SPAM"' # Sent to "Undisclosed Recipients": # color index white magenta '~C Undisclosed.*Recipients' # # Mails sent from ("~f") free mail services: # [All commented as I get mails from sensible people, too.] # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f @(aol\|hotmail\|msn\|prodigy\|yahoo)\.(com' # color index magenta black '~f @(aol\|hotmail\|msn\|prodigy\|yahoo)\.(com\|net)' # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f @compulink.nlrs.com' # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f free' # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f funtime' # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f gmx' # color index magenta black '! ~p ~f worldnet.att.net' # SPAM indicators within the Message-ID: line (pattern ~i): # The Message-ID (aka MID) is often broken in many ways. # Spam seldomly has a correct MID; mostly the FQDN is invalid. # # Usual characters in MID: [-0-9a-zA-Z<>$@._+%] # Unusual characters in MID: [:%#|/] # # Message-ID values should not contain these characters: # color index yellow black "~i [{:%#|/]" # Are any of the "unusual characters" forbidden by the RFC? # (Gotta check that..) # # Message-IDs contains at least one '@' character, so # Message-IDs without a '@' are invalid: # color index yellow black "! ~i @" # # Message-IDs are enclosed in angle brackets, # so an '<' should not be missing: # color index yellow black "! ~i <" # # Message-IDs must not be empty: # color index yellow black "~i <>" # # Message-IDs' FQDN must not be empty: # color index yellow black "~i @>" # # Message-IDs' FQDN contain at least one dot: # color index yellow black "! ~i @.+[.].+>" # # Message-IDs FQDN does not end with a dot, # ie there must be at least a top level domain: # color index yellow black "~i [.]>" # # Message-IDs do not contain spaces. # color index yellow black "~i '<.* .*>'" # # Message-IDs should not contain "localhost". # color index yellow black "~i localhost" # commented because a LOT of people cannot # change this because of their crappy mail system. *sigh* # # Message-IDs should not contain "localdomain". # color index yellow black "~i localdomain" # # Message-IDs with more than one angel bracket: # color index yellow black "~i <.*<" # # ## ================================================== ## "Coloring by Reference" ## ================================================== # status: experimental # Show mails with "References" lines in the header. # This uses a rainbow scheme - the darker the color, # the more entries in the References line. # # color index brightyellow black "~h 'References: +<.+>'" # color index yellow black "~h 'References: +<.+> +<.+>'" # color index brightred black "~h 'References: +<.+> +<.+> +<.+>'" # color index red black "~h 'References: +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+>'" # color index blue black "~h 'References: +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+>'" # color index green black "~h 'References: +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+> +<.+>'" # Replies to my mails - indicated by an "in-reply-to" line # including my local domain. # color index brightyellow black "~h 'in-reply-to: .*math.fu-berlin.de'" # color index brightyellow black "~h 'references: .*math.fu-berlin.de'" # color index brightyellow black "~x guckes@math.fu-berlin.de'" # color index brightyellow black "~x @guckes.net'" # ====================== # PAGER stuff # ====================== # "search" - matches found with search # within the internal pager. color search white blue # The "markers" indicate a wrapped line # when showing messages with looong lines. color markers red black # Flagged Messages are important! color index brightred black "~F" # I use the flag to indicate that # I should reply to these soon. # Attempt to colorout strong spam color index yellow black "~h 'X-Spam-Level: [*]{6,}'" color index magenta black "~h 'X-Spam-Level: [*]{7,}'" color index blue black "~h 'X-Spam-Level: [*]{8,}'" # THPXRF #EOF vim: tw=999 ft=muttrc